Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources
Sometimes, life can get overwhelming. It’s okay to ask for help, it’s okay to find someone to talk to, and it’s okay to work with that someone to develop an action plan to make things better. We go to a school that plasters “#1 school with the happiest students” in its admission brochures, on its website, and all over campus – even when it doesn’t seem like that. In fact, about 22% of Vanderbilt students visit the University Counseling Center (UCC) in any given year, based on Vanderbilt’s Healthy Minds Survey administered to over 3,000 students in October 2016. Interestingly, a result from the same survey was that 9 in 10 Vanderbilt students do not see mental health assistance as a sign of failure.
So how does one access mental health resources at Vanderbilt? We’ve sifted through various Vanderbilt web pages that brought me down different rabbit holes to create this comprehensive, but brief, guide to help you get the assistance you need as soon as possible.
Student Care Network (SCN)
The SCN is the umbrella network of health and wellness resources and departments for Vanderbilt students. It isn’t an organization or an office. Instead, the SCN consists of a number of offices students can be referred to as they seek mental health assistance at Vanderbilt:
● Office of Student Care Coordination (OSCC)
● Center for Student Wellbeing (CSW)
● University Counseling Center (UCC)
● Student Health Center (SHC)
Accessing Mental Health Assistance
Here are the four steps to accessing mental health assistance at Vanderbilt:
Complete the Student Care Coordination Intake Form, which you can access here. The form asks for your basic information and about the area(s) of your life in which you may be having challenges and/or concerns.
Schedule a Meeting with the OSCC after submitting the form. You will be emailed a link to access a portal to schedule your meeting.
Meet with a Student Care Coordinator, who will evaluate your needs and level of concern during your in-person or virtual meeting. Although Student Care Coordinators do not have a counseling, therapy, or medical background, it is important you are open to them about your needs and concerns as they direct you to the appropriate resources.
Access resources based on the action plan your Student Care Coordinator develops with you. The OSCC could refer you for an appointment at other SCN offices, including the SHC, CSW, UCC, or at an affiliated off-campus office.
Other Resources at Vanderbilt
Meditation app aimed to help reduce stress, improve focus, and increase resiliency. Vanderbilt students have free access to Headspace – sign up for your free membership here.
● Drop-in Consultations. Open to any student at Vanderbilt, the purpose of these consultations is to increase accessibility to informal, confidential meetings with UCC professionals.
● UCC Workshops. The UCC offers a number of group therapy workshops.
● Weekly Wellbeing Practices.
○ There are weekly Yoga classes on Thursdays (6-7pm) at the Black Cultural Center; sign up here.
○ The CSW also offers Drop-In Academic Coaching in-person (Wednesdays, 1-3pm in the CSW Classroom) an virtually (Fridays, 10am-12pm on Zoom).
● Workshops. The CSW also offers a number of other workshops.
Important Contacts
● Vanderbilt University Police: 911 or 615-421-1911
● University Counseling Center Urgent Care Counseling (M-F, 10am-4pm) 615-322-2571
● Project Safe Support Hotline: 615-322-SAFE (7233)
● Crisis Text Line (free 24/7 crisis support in the US): Text 741-741
● National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (free 24/7 support): 1-800-273-8255
● Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Educational Advisory Board (2019). Centralizing mental health and well-being intake: How Vanderbilt University reorganized services into a Student Care Network.
Healthy Minds Climate Survey Working Group(2018). Recommendations. Retrieved from
Weinman, T. (Presenter). (2019, October 3). Student Care Network at Vanderbilt University. Lecture presented at a HOD 2100 class, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.